All Blog Posts (138)

MOB Meeting Weds 7th June 2023, Wyldes, Bury

Most of the meeting was taken up by discussion on ways to attract new members to the club. Points arising from this and other discussion;

  • One suggestion was to promote the club as offering cheap transport(by carsharing) to outdoor climbing & hillwalking areas
  • Targeting universities, colleges & scout/youth groups was suggested. Some doubted effectiveness of this, because of big age gap between these groups & current membership
  • Targeting men's mental…

Added by Ian Brewster on June 9, 2023 at 14:28 — No Comments

Minutes of MOB Committee Meeting, Wednesday 24th May 2023

Attending: John Brandon; Ian Brewster; Derek Kenyon; Mike Slater

Main purpose of the meeting was to instigate a process of putting in place club rules, procedures and a constitution. A written document covering these issues is known to have been in existence in the 1980's, but has long ago been lost.

  1. Current committee, to carry through this process, and to be in post at least until next AGM:                                        ~ Mike Slater -…

Added by Ian Brewster on May 26, 2023 at 11:08 — No Comments

Minutes of MOB Meeting Weds 4th January 2023

  • Annual subs now due. Will be set at BMC Affiliation fee plus ~£3. John B to advise when the amount is decided.
  • Winter Hut Meet, at Rucksacks Hostel, Braemar, weekend of 17th-20th Feb, places available for up to 4 nights, Friday to Monday. Up to 26 beds at our disposal, £22-25pppn in the Cabin, £15pppn in the Alpine. Notify Dave Owen if you want to go.
  • At next meeting, Weds 1st Feb, Barney Woodhead will show photos of his paragliding exploits. Therefore the meeting to…

Added by Ian Brewster on January 6, 2023 at 9:30 — No Comments

MOB Photo Competition & Monthly Meeting Minutes, Weds 7th December 2023

Photo Competition was won by Lewis, with a shot of Tryfan. Second place Mike Slater. Joint third places John Brandon & Gary Walker. These four photos can be viewed on the Photos section of this site.

Monthly Meeting Minutes

  • Date still to be decided for Ian Bod's bikepacking talk/slideshow
  • Club Christmas social at Walshaw…

Added by Ian Brewster on December 8, 2022 at 9:06 — No Comments

Minutes of MOB Meeting Weds 2nd November 2022

  • Next meeting, Weds 7th December, will be the annual photo competition, see Events Section for details
  • Date still to be decided for Ian Bod's bikepacking talk/slideshow
  • Club Christmas social at Walshaw Sports Club, most likely in January. Derek to sort out
  • Tim to check on availability of a climbing club hut in Langdale for a weekend meet in Autumn 2023
  • This Sunday, club walk from Grassington organised by Ian - see Events section for…

Added by Ian Brewster on November 3, 2022 at 8:30 — No Comments

Monthly meeting Weds 6th April 2022

Notes from meeting

Reports of past activity;

>20th Feb, Chas & Mikey walked from Settle to Catrake Force, then along Mastilles Lane, in wet weather

> Garsdale Head to Hell's Gill walk, Sunday 20th March, 9 mile route, organised by Mike Slater,…


Added by Ian Brewster on April 7, 2022 at 11:08 — No Comments

Glencoe meet 2022

IMG_20220204_102337.jpgWe had thought we might do the Ben Nevis horseshoe but with very high winds and

- 20 wind chill forecast on the tops l decided to give it a miss and stay low.

Andy, Barney and myself decided to walk over to Kinlochleven via the West Highland Way.  I'd not walked this route before and l was pleasantly surprised on how scenic it was with…


Added by Derek Kenyon on February 8, 2022 at 19:47 — No Comments

Minutes of MOB Monthly Meeting, Weds 4th March 2020

Past Activities

  • Tues 11th Feb - Bikepacking talk by Adam Richardson, at Bradshaw Conservative Club. ~10 from MOB attended.
  • Sun 16th Feb Winter Walk - cancelled due to stormy weather
  •  Sat 22nd Feb - Bike ride to Turton Tower and back(24m), Derek, Gary Brooks & the two Mikes. Windy weather.
  •  Last week - Barry was skiing in the…

Added by Ian Brewster on March 5, 2020 at 17:58 — No Comments

Display Panel

Dear All, I'm intending making a panel of photos featuring Mike Chambers, to display at the club 40th anniversary weekend. Anyone with photos they'd like me to include, please send them to me, by email to

Many Thanks

Added by Ian Brewster on August 5, 2019 at 8:52 — No Comments

Minutes of Bury Mountaineering Club AGM: Weds 3rd July 2019

The AGM was well attended.  The current committee were all requested and agreed to remain in post for another year:

Chair.  - Jon Waring

Vice Chair. - Mike Slater

Treasurer. - John Brandon…


Added by Ian Brewster on July 4, 2019 at 8:00 — No Comments

Sick man

Thanks to those who have visited me during my long stay at Fairfield 16 days.They never did find out what virus attacked me. but it has left me as weak as a kitten just about able manage to walk to the Burrs, would hope to see people as I gather strength.Dave D

Added by dave dickson on May 12, 2018 at 15:24 — 1 Comment

Annual General Meeting

Please be advised the Annual General Meeting will take place at the June monthly meeting

Added by MIKE SLATER on May 11, 2018 at 21:22 — No Comments

High Street ride Definatley my toughest ride for a long time, this was one of our first mountain bike rides over 30 years ago on rented bikes curtasy or Derek Holts D Tours. Back then the there was n…

High Street ride

Definatley my toughest ride for a long time, this was one of our first mountain bike rides over 30 years ago on rented bikes curtasy or Derek Holts D Tours. Back then the there was no such thing as suspension and the brakes were cantileaver type. The only lasting memory l have is how recked my wrists were with the vibrations and squezing the brakes. Leading up to the weekend the…


Added by Derek Kenyon on May 3, 2018 at 19:23 — No Comments

A Rite of passage

It was the Friday night of our February winter meet . We were the first to arrive at the Alex McIntyre hut near North Ballachulish and had ventured out in search of somewhere to eat . As we doubled back from a wrong turn in search of the Loch  Leven Hotel  John B took a call from Andy A suggesting the forecast for the following day favoured doing the  Aonach Eogach ridge. The conversation continued and the next thing I knew we were committed !

The following day we rose at…


Added by MIKE SLATER on February 24, 2018 at 0:00 — 1 Comment

Man Versus Horsepower

Man verses Horse

Saturday night a post came through via Whatsapp about a Mob MTB ride on following morning buthe forecast was for a winter front to push through turning to rain later did nothing not the most inspiring. Awoke 6.30 and peered out of the window expecting the worst but it wasn't that bad so by 7am l was up and breakfasting but still unsure whether to join the boys. Having Ridden up past Tottington to Holcombe for 9am there was no sign of anyone so a quick check of the phone…


Added by Derek Kenyon on January 24, 2018 at 17:16 — 1 Comment

6 Men and a Bothy

The day and date Friday 19th January 2018.

Destination Greg's Hut on the side of Cross Fell.

The team Mark Davies, Ian Brewster, Mike Slater, Jon Waring, John (Johan) Brandon and Dave Owen.

Myself, Ian and Dave boarded the Black Stallion and headed North. Jon, Johan ( Only called this because Jon thought it would reduce any confusion in general conversation) and Mike headed for the nearest Mini-market to buy whatever they bought and then headed North.

Snow fell as we…


Added by Mark Davies on January 23, 2018 at 15:55 — 4 Comments

MOB Dec meeting

This meeting was well attended as it included the annual photo competition ( separate blog to follow on the results).

Matt the treasurer reminded everyone that the subs were due early next year.  £23 which includes BMC membership and insurance.  Latest date to pay is Feb 1st.  Please be proactive with this so Matt is not chasing anyone up.  Pay at meeting or into MOB account.  Let Mat know if you pay this way.

E- Mike is organising the MOB Xmas meal which this year is a…


Added by John brandon on December 17, 2017 at 12:46 — No Comments

December Mob walk

The weather forecast had dire warnings for travel so very limited turn out Average age of the walkers was 70 y.o. There was just a small amount f snow on roads. But the regular track up Pendle hill was hard packed snow hence slippery. Took took the cross country route to Ogden Clough about 6ins of soft snow. Very few people out on the tops. Sorry the younger members were all at home watching City week in fact all back home before kick off

Added by dave dickson on December 10, 2017 at 20:20 — No Comments

Mob meeting minutes October

no new updates re event attendees.

Future activities being filled us fast or already full. Pls contact the organiser if interested in attending one.

Mike chambers informed us that there is an old bank account with 0.90p in it that needs closing. He will sort that out.

Photo comp will be at Dec meeting as usual. Pls send in a max of 3 photos to Ian Brewster.

Dave Dickson is planning the Dec mob walk. Looking like 10th to Pendle Hill area.

Mick is looking at March Mob… Continue

Added by John brandon on October 5, 2017 at 17:30 — No Comments

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