Minutes of MOB Committee Meeting, Wednesday 24th May 2023

Attending: John Brandon; Ian Brewster; Derek Kenyon; Mike Slater

Main purpose of the meeting was to instigate a process of putting in place club rules, procedures and a constitution. A written document covering these issues is known to have been in existence in the 1980's, but has long ago been lost.

  1. Current committee, to carry through this process, and to be in post at least until next AGM:                                        ~ Mike Slater - Chairman                                                                                                                                            ~John Brandon - Treasurer                                                                                                                                           ~Ian Brewster - Secretary                                                                                                                                           ~Derek Kenyon - Membership Secretary                                                                                                                     ~Mike McGrath - New Member Induction Sec.                                                                                                              MS to speak with MM about this                                                                                                                                    
  2.  It was agreed that the club needs to have a constitution, in particular to include a disclaimer for liability arising     from accidents whilst partaking in club activities, and a procedure for inducting new members into the club. The constitution of the Achille Ratti Climbing Club provides a good basis                                                                              JB to draft constitution                                                                                                                                                  
  3. AGM is now due. Next monthly meeting, Weds 7th June, felt to be too soon. Better to wait till July, giving current committee more chance to work through new constitution/rules                                                                                     AGM  Weds 5th July                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  4.  Proposed ongoing frequency of committee meetings is 6 monthly. To be held on separate dates to the monthly club meetings. Short term, until new rules/constitution are in place, maybe more frequent meetings will be needed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  5. Quorum for committee meetings - 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  6.  No quorum proposed for the AGM, on the basis that members are informed in good time beforehand(via WhatsApp group) of the AGM date and issues to be voted on, so that they can attend and vote if they wish.                                                                                                                              
  7. Liability issue was discussed. BMC insurance, which all paid up members have, provides third party cover only. We should decide whether current members are made sign a form exempting the club from liability for any injuries they sustain during club activities                                                                                                                    Discuss & decide at next committee meeting                                                                                                                                        
  8. New member induction process was discussed. View from the meeting is that new members should be made to sign a liability disclaimer from the start. Probationary period of up to max.3 months is proposed, at end of which they pay fees(maybe partial if part way through the year) to become a full member.                                                          
  9. The question of under 18 prospective members was raised. The view was that the membership age should be minimum 18, and that unaccompanied under 18's shouldn't attend club activities                                                                                                                                                   

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