Monthly meeting Weds 6th April 2022

Notes from meeting

Reports of past activity;

>20th Feb, Chas & Mikey walked from Settle to Catrake Force, then along Mastilles Lane, in wet weather

> Garsdale Head to Hell's Gill walk, Sunday 20th March, 9 mile route, organised by Mike Slater, 11 attended, great weather, drinks in Moorcock Inn before heading home

>March, Jordan & Derek took part in crag cleaning sessions at Deeply Vale 

>Longsleddale Hut weekend. 14 people attended. Saturday's walk took in the Kentmere Pike ridge, with good clear weather. Agreed at this monthly meeting that we'll try to book it again for next April. £330 for the weekend has now been paid to the hut proprietors.

>Sat 2nd April, Derek & Jordan camped in Ogwen Valley. Climbing on Tryfan, struggled on a V Diff, showing their age!

Upcoming Events

>Sunday 10th April, 12m walk from Clough Hole Car Park, N of Heptonstall, organised by Andy Fielding. Meet 8:30-9:00, £5 car park fee. Route takes in part of Pennine Way

>April 27th, evening walk from Bury Lido to Buckhurst, organised by Derek, 6:30pm start

>May monthly meeting, slideshow, by either Dave Dickson or Ian Bod

>Monthly walk, 8th May, in N Wales, further detail later from Jordan

>Trip to Skye, provisional travel date 22nd May, organised by Gary Walker & others

>Weekend of Sunday 12th June, camping at Basebrown campsite, Chapel Stile, Langdale. Organised by Chas. Langdale Horseshoe Walk planned for of the days

>Monthly walk, Sunday 3rd July. Organised by Ian B, 12 mile circular from Grassington, taking in part of Dales Way, Kilnsey & Mastilles Lane

> August, Tolkien Walk, Ribblesdale, Derek

Other Business

>2022 subs now paid to BMC

>£60 each repaid to Mark Davis & Colin Morrison following Scottish hut meet, as they weren't able to go at last minute

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