Minutes of MOB Meeting Weds 4th January 2023

  • Annual subs now due. Will be set at BMC Affiliation fee plus ~£3. John B to advise when the amount is decided.
  • Winter Hut Meet, at Rucksacks Hostel, Braemar, weekend of 17th-20th Feb, places available for up to 4 nights, Friday to Monday. Up to 26 beds at our disposal, £22-25pppn in the Cabin, £15pppn in the Alpine. Notify Dave Owen if you want to go.
  • At next meeting, Weds 1st Feb, Barney Woodhead will show photos of his paragliding exploits. Therefore the meeting to start prompt in upstairs room at 8:00pm, followed by the show.
  • Annual club social event - Derek to canvas views on whether social club evening or restaurant meal is preferred
  • Past events; 1. Christmas Walk in Bury, then food & drink afterwards at Derek's. Over 20 people attended

                                2. John B, Mark Davis, Steve Pilky & others had an outing in the Lakes, mid week in Dec, staying at Borrowdale YH. Went over Helm Crag

  • Upcoming Events:  1. Sun 15th Jan, club walk from Malham. Meet at main Malham car park, Cath to advise meeting time

                                          2. February walk, to be organised by Jordan; then one on March 26th by Derek

                                          3. Club Weekend at Longsleddale Hostel, April 14th-16th, ~£20 for the weekend. Details from Derek

                                          4. Weekends at "Uncle Reg's" campsite, Anglesey, last weekend in May, and a weekend in August

                                          5. Overnight in a Lake District bothy(probably Dub's Hut), Friday 20th Jan. See John Wareing

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