Just to let you know that several of us will be TRYING to get out in the evening climbing.
It will be on a had hock bases, weather being the biggest factor.
For the record the main cuprits to get in touch with are.

Rick Riding
Will Hardman
Mick Smith.
And my Self Derek

So if its looking like good forcast for the coming night you can always give one of us a call
to find out if anythings happening. Or post you own event on the web site.
This week 18th should have at least one dry night.



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I've had a look at the guidebook for Egerton and there's loads of VS HVS and E grades that are probably going to be above my abilty. Do you know what the V Diff and S grade stuff is like, and would anyone be interested in climbing them if I can make it?


It's always worth coming along and I know there will be at least 6 of us.
I've only been twice so not sure what easier routes are on offer.
There are a few beginers coming as well so you won't feel let out and we will be going for a pint after so it's a good chance to get to know lads and meet others that are climbing your grade.

I will be there from 3pm, if this weather improves, note there won't be any mobile reception in the quarry so make sure you know where you are going. You can always phone me on my mobile about mid day for an up date. See you there D
I was there on sunday and a few S , VDiff, HS and VS have been cleaned recently. I did a S on sunday which was a bit dirty, but still nice. I wont be climbing harder than VS anyway!!

Thanks Rick/Derek.

All went Pete Tong anyway... not only was the weather crap and I didn't really fancy an indoor wall, but I had to taxi my eldest from work when she got a shift at short notice. Good to know about the grades and state of the climbs at Egerton for future reference though. No doubt I'll get there over the summer.

Is it still on for Dovestones this weekend? Sunday's looking pretty good weather wise.




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