Should none mountaineering photos be banned from the photo comp i could have won or a least got second last night.

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Yes I agree. The term "Mountaineering" will need to be defined first.
Mountaineering is the sport, hobby or profession of walking, hiking, trekking and climbing up mountains. It is also sometimes known as alpinism, particularly in Europe. While it began as an all-out attempt to reach the highest point of unclimbed mountains, it has branched into specializations addressing different aspects of mountains and may now be said to consist of three aspects: rock-craft, snow-craft and skiing, depending on whether the route chosen is over rock, snow or ice. All require great athletic and technical ability, and experience is also very important.

PS - Should ALL entries/photos be taken by "members"? ie people that have paid their membership fee and have a valid upto date membership card.
Mountaineering pictures? Now there’s a discussion on its own Mark? As Alan has said we first need to define what counts as a valid picture? Should a landscape shot of a mountain, taken from a beach, as in last years winner, count as a valid entry. Would a picture of someone at an indoor wall count? There are lots of people within the club who are involved in activities that would not be classed as mountaineering, but could be classed as outdoor sports, and i think this needs to be taken into account. Granted this years winner is pushing the boundaries some what, well quite a bit really, but is probably a one off. I'd love to say outdoor on land photo's only but taken literally this would could count quite a few pictures out.

How about "pictures of the great outdoors"? Quite a broad title, but enough to wheedle out the odd anomaly.

In my opinion all photo's entered should be taken by the person entering it. If this is not the case then all we need to do is raid the internet for stunning pictures instead of getting out there ourselves.

As to members only pictures, i'm open to interpretation. As there is nothing of any value to be won, only the pride of winning, personally i'm happy with current and past members as well as those loosely affiliated to the club.
As there is nothing of any value to be won, only the pride of winning,

There is very much a pride element in coming 1st, even 2nd and 3rd (I made 4th one year, but there is no classification for 4th :( ) However, there is some value to winning - does the club not pay for the winning photos to be framed? This can be quite an expensive value, so I do think we need to consider how "lossley affiliated photo competitors are to the club.
I think the competition should be only open to members and only consist of photographs taken by the members themselves, but, if we try to narrow the subject matter too much, we end up with 36 photos of snow capped mountains and nothing else. I think interest could quickly wain if that was the case. Do we exclude mountain biking, paragliding, canoeing, humour etc?
I agree members only and only photographs taken by the members themselves. Otherwise it simply isn't the Bury mountainering club photography competition. As this years winner- sorry I hope you are still speaking to me. I would be happy to go with "pictures of the great outdoors". The reason I asked if it was OK to include two underwater shots as "outdoors" (the grinning fish was not a serious entry) was that after six years of underwater photography I have managed to come up with a handful of quite good shots and I couldn't resist the opportunity. That said underwater photography is no easy option (sand,silt, plankton,algae,dreadful light levels, all manner of critters that move faster than you in the opposite direction when you try to take their picture, bored dive buddies and you have to do it wearing a life support system.) I have hundreds of cr@p shots to prove it (including reject versions of the winning image -see piccy- should anybody still be muttering about google images Grrrrrrrrr.)
Anyway next year I promise to include nothing sub surface.
i think that the cometition should only include photos of a mountainous /outdoors field but more than that if my pictures are not allowed because the collector does not get them the night before then why should members of the top table be able to add theirs and their pals photos on the night ? do they think they are better than the rest of us or are they just taking the piss !!!!!!!!!!!



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