May 2011 Blog Posts (6)

Lift to Pembroke

Has anyone a spare seat to St.David's.Not a problem if not.Am making fallback plan to make it down and back by train.But need to arrange booking at  the camp site and cheap train fares by Tues.Cheers

Added by Brian Knowles on May 22, 2011 at 21:07 — 4 Comments

From BMC...for us!!!!!!!!!!!

BMC North West Area Meeting & Lakes Festival of Climbing


The next BMC North West area gathering is on Monday 23rd May at the Belmont Bull, just north of Bolton at 7.30pm.



Added by Mike Chambers on May 20, 2011 at 17:52 — No Comments

A favourite of mine

I was looking for a rope bucket when I happened upon a video of Adam Ondra climbing Chaxi Raxi in Spain on this site.

Added by Brian Knowles on May 19, 2011 at 19:53 — No Comments

Weather Prediction from Thurday

Unless someone is having a joke ,the weather is apparently set fair from Thursday onwards ,maybe even Wednesday pm..Then, forecast for the following 2 weeks  are average temperatures of 29 degrees ! The weather is heading from Europe this weekend

Added by Brian Knowles on May 16, 2011 at 23:08 — No Comments

Lagangarbh weekend

Friday afternoon myself, Ian, Colin and Pete did a little scramble (grade 3 with 2 stars) at the back of the hut on a buttress to the right of the descent path on the Buchaille.  Lovely grippy rock and although it was wet it was a fantastic warm up for the rest of the weekend.  Only an hour to complete it, but then the weather came in bad and it was hail-stoning hard.  Then 10 minutes later glorious sunshine, so we sweat our way back down to the hut to wait for the rest to arrive.  Theron…


Added by Louise Atkinson on May 16, 2011 at 21:38 — 3 Comments

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