February 2009 Blog Posts (3)

What do you fancy doing ? - your choice!

What do you fancy doing ? - your choice!

The few days climbing described here were a bit of a revelation to me. In the past I’ve either been winter climbing or summer rock climbing. The bit in the middle where its too warm for one but too wet and cold for the other has been a bit of a frustration. Not any more “ mountaineering” I’m hooked!

Derek and I had planned to spend… Continue

Added by Rick Riding on February 28, 2009 at 0:30 — 2 Comments

Mission Accomplished

5285 mtrs of very hard work. Job well done by the A Team. Fantastic views (approx 100 miles either direction) especially at sunrise.Gruelling glacier crossing, 'sporty' and exposed scramble in the dark at 4 a.m. Great elation on the top, grim descent, monstrous walk down to car park and bumper to bumper traffic all the way back to Mexico City. Bad sunburn and trashed toes....but what a wonderful mountaineering experience!

Added by Ivor Smith on February 17, 2009 at 3:38 — 1 Comment

Chock Stone Gully with Barney Woodhead 7th Feb 2009

With Rick away skiing I was without a partner, until Barney called me up for an update and said he had a pass out for the Saturday. Going out on a Saturday at least gives you the Sunday to recover. 4am the alarm goes off, it's almost got to the stage where Mrs K and I are like ships passing in the night as she is just going to bed and I’m getting up, but it’s a small price to pay for a good day out. Not having been out with Barney for a while we chatted all the way there missing the South Lakes… Continue

Added by Derek Kenyon on February 15, 2009 at 10:30 — No Comments

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