Saunders Mountain Marathon July 4th and 5th

I am doing the event after a bit of a lay off. As ever Mr Kenyon (Mr Motivator) suggested I perhaps inform you all in case you were considering doing one of these events.
There is a history of the club entering these kind of events in large numbers in the past but this seems to have stopped in recent years. Anyway whats it all about, simple two days of hill navigation with an over night camp I am hoping the weather will be a little more gentle than when the other events are on so it could be a gentle introduction to this kind of event.
They are also an idea way to sep up the fitness levels for sumer mountaineering. I stress you do not have to be super fit, I am doing one of the easy shorter classes so I can enjoy.
Enough going on if you and interested google saunders mountain marathon, or give me a ring
01204 695210

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Comment by Mark Ainsworth on December 14, 2009 at 21:21
Don't you think your'e a bit old for this sort of thing Mark?


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