Most of the meeting was taken up by discussion on ways to attract new members to the club. Points arising from this and other discussion;
- One suggestion was to promote the club as offering cheap transport(by carsharing) to outdoor climbing & hillwalking areas
- Targeting universities, colleges & scout/youth groups was suggested. Some doubted effectiveness of this, because of big age gap between these groups & current membership
- Targeting men's mental health/wellbeing groups was also suggested. This led to the question of how we attract new female club members.
- Secretary reported committee plans to compose new club rules/constitution (Previous document lost long ago)
- Agreed that next month's meeting will be the AGM
- In response to query re club equipment, it was confirmed that it's with Jordan
- JB/IRB - confirm AGM date(IRB not available on Weds 5th, so now proposing Weds 12th)
- Jordan* - promote the club at cub/scout/youth groups
- Jordan* - look into promoting the club on Facebook
- Lewis - arrange upcoming Base Brown camping weekend
*Hopefully the two Jordan's are clear on who's doing what!
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