Minutes of MOB Meeting Weds 2nd November 2022

  • Next meeting, Weds 7th December, will be the annual photo competition, see Events Section for details
  • Date still to be decided for Ian Bod's bikepacking talk/slideshow
  • Club Christmas social at Walshaw Sports Club, most likely in January. Derek to sort out
  • Tim to check on availability of a climbing club hut in Langdale for a weekend meet in Autumn 2023
  • This Sunday, club walk from Grassington organised by Ian - see Events section for details
  • Next April, 14th-16th, club weekend at Long Sleddale Hut. It will be the last one there, as later in the year the hut is closing for good
  • Organisers of future MOB Walks: Dec-Chas; Jan-Cath; Feb Jordan T; Mar Derek
  • Hut meet for this Winter, possibly to be arranged by Dave Owen

Reports on recent activities:

  • Cath had a walking holiday in Costa Blanca Mountains, Spain, in mid October. Still like Summer there
  • Jordan has been offroad motorbiking in Spain
  • Sunday 16th October, club walk to High Cup Nick, organised by John B. Good weather & a good route, enjoyed by all
  • Ian has been working his way(in separate day walks), along the Lancashire Trail(St Helens to Thornton-in-Craven), and the Ebor Way(Helmsley to Ilkley)

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