Mark Davies's Blog (6)

6 Men and a Bothy

The day and date Friday 19th January 2018.

Destination Greg's Hut on the side of Cross Fell.

The team Mark Davies, Ian Brewster, Mike Slater, Jon Waring, John (Johan) Brandon and Dave Owen.

Myself, Ian and Dave boarded the Black Stallion and headed North. Jon, Johan ( Only called this because Jon thought it would reduce any confusion in general conversation) and Mike headed for the nearest Mini-market to buy whatever they bought and then headed North.

Snow fell as we…


Added by Mark Davies on January 23, 2018 at 15:55 — 4 Comments

The Point from the other end (a response to a real climbers version)

Now here we go, my partner for the day was the" Dominator" a man who's eagerness puts Derek into a very poor second.  Mob ascent of The Point as Dom calls it well to be honest so do I now. Keeping up with these boys is hard and sometimes a little lonely, that initial slope is big and long.


 I must admit I did think Dom had soloed the first pitch as I could not see him as I approached the bottom of the route. I know I have new axes but Holy Mother of…


Added by Mark Davies on February 16, 2011 at 20:38 — 1 Comment

The Circus has come to town

It is always difficult to motivate yourself on the Sunday of a weekend away if you have had a long and hard day on the Saturday. So with this in mind it was 10.30 am when Rick, Colin, Mark Rothwell, New Mark, Young Will and myself old Mark got out of the cars in Glencoe to head towards Dorsal Arete in Stob Corrie Lochan.

Needless to say we could not park in the nearest car park due to our late start. We did however recieve some vital information and advice from a minibus driver. I… Continue

Added by Mark Davies on January 30, 2010 at 12:12 — 3 Comments

The Boys from the North West head for the North East

After a late arrival at the Grey Corries Lodge 12.00 midnight if I remember correctly, it was an early call, on Saturday morning 4.15a.m and Rick and myself were up and about Derek and Will were woken and the long day started.

Our taxi driver Mr Eastwood drove us all to the North Face car park he went back to bed dreaming of soaring around the hills. The familiar slog up towards the CIC hut started. Now I think that I am reasonably fit but it always puzzles me when I hear Derek… Continue

Added by Mark Davies on January 29, 2010 at 22:40 — 2 Comments

Saunders Mountain Marathon July 4th and 5th

I am doing the event after a bit of a lay off. As ever Mr Kenyon (Mr Motivator) suggested I perhaps inform you all in case you were considering doing one of these events.

There is a history of the club entering these kind of events in large numbers in the past but this seems to have stopped in recent years. Anyway whats it all about, simple two days of hill navigation with an over night camp I am hoping the weather will be a little more gentle than when the other events are on so it could… Continue

Added by Mark Davies on December 10, 2009 at 20:30 — 1 Comment

A true reflection on my birthday weekend

Lets sort out a few facts first. Rick did fall off his bike in a very spectacular style, wish I had seen the incident but was to busy doing what Rick was not riding my bike up the steep ground in a `well gnarly way man`.

I have got to be honest if I said having two ropes of the same colour when climbiing on double ropes is not idea." In on blue! " "Your blue or my blue" "Any blue will do" type of conversations are not easy to understand.

The climbing and the company was good and I… Continue

Added by Mark Davies on April 28, 2009 at 19:48 — No Comments


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