After a chance browse on one of the Climbing UK Forums I joined a group of 4 who were going to Sicily from 13th - 20th Dec. Not an ideal time of year but it would just have to do.
One of the guys called Scott had been out to Sicily with his brother several times over the last few years and between them and a few others have now bolted over 100 sports routes on a single crag a few 100m from the sea.
This link will show you many photos and all the infomation you need. - scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Sicily. There is also another link to a popular area in Turkey that looks good - in fact the Lancashire Climbing Club are going to Turkey in Oct 09.

The climbing is near the holiday resort of San Vito in the North West about an hour from Trapani airport where Ryanair fly to from Birmingham and Luton.

All the climbing we did was just on the one cliff near the campsite which also has some small apartments to rent from Easter until Mid October. All the routes are 30m and generally on good quality Limestone. The beauty of this venue is that the vast majority of routes are in the 5's and low 6's.
There is other climbing in Sicily and some of it local to this area - however, like many places the routes are much harder and many crags "easy" routes start at 6c! A new guide to the whole island is due out anytime now.

The crag we used faces South so would be far toooooo hot in Summer so spring and autumn would be best.

If any members fancy a MOB trip to Sicily get in touch and we can work something out.

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when I looked at sicily the routes appeared beyond me , if you are correct on the grades again i would be interested subject to the credit crunch , keep me in the loop.

Sicily looks really nice

Thanks again for open invite
Mark - I do not speak with forked tongue. Check out the link?

There are plenty of routes in the 5's 6a's for a week.
Hi Alan

Sounds like a very good place for the club to have a climbing meet, It a good while since we and one.
I don't want to commit my self just yet but I will certainly concider it.

Thanks for the invite.





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