March 2011 Blog Posts (5)

Are we nearly there yet??? Epic ascent of Tower Ridge, The Ben

Bags packed for the last 3 weeks and Geoff continually checking weather forecast for Scotland on the net every night. Just a little bit keen........Finally the perfect weekend had arrived and we were all set to go. I must admit I was a little worried at the prospect of tagging along with 2 super strong, super fit fellas (Rick `n Geoff). I am certainly not in that league.............Got loads of stamina yeah but as for strength and moving fast.......That aint me! Do they really want me to tag…


Added by Julie Proctor on March 28, 2011 at 21:52 — 2 Comments

Tryfan & Bristley Ridge


The information signs on The A55 were warning drivers of fog patches, and they weren't lying. The view from the car window wasn't looking promising. It looked like it was going to be another one of those days in Wales, lots of hard work and no reward; with regards to views anyway. 


We made good time and were soon parked up on the A5 at the bottom of North Ridge. We got ourselves suited and booted and made a…


Added by Pete Whetham on March 28, 2011 at 21:17 — No Comments

It is official.......climbers are sexy!

Trawling through the internet during my dinner time I happened onto these two links which restored my faith in the sex appeal of climbing, hallelujah;

Added by William Shaw on March 18, 2011 at 12:56 — 3 Comments

Counterfeit Petzl Gear

Not sure if anyone's heard/read about this already, but thought it'd be worth sharing.


If someone offers you new Petzl gear very cheap, it could well be dodgy...

Added by Colin Parr on March 15, 2011 at 10:48 — No Comments

Pavey Ark

Had a fantastic day out yesterday and the weather was kind to us.  I tried to explain to Will that you have to look at the forecast and then listen to what it says, if it says showery at Burbage then it likely will rain! 


We started off up the path next to Stickle Ghyll and forked off right to scramble up the ridge grade 2.  A good warm up to climbing and very grippy rock.  We then tracked round to the bottom of Pavey Ark and found the start of Crescent Climb.  Memories of…


Added by Louise Atkinson on March 7, 2011 at 18:24 — 1 Comment

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