As some of you may be aware I was looking into finding accommodation for a winter meet in Scotland for Feb 2012. I was thinking of booking The Raeburn Hut, and The Jock Spot Hut near Laggan. Anyway The Jock Spot is fully booked so that idea has gone out of the window. Anyway, as some of you will remember we stayed at The Roybridge Hostel a couple of winters ago. The accommodation was OK I suppose but the living and cooking areas were a little cramped. Well as some of you will remember there is a bunkhouse to the rear of the hotel. The bunkhouse sleeps upto 28 people, and the owners will give us sole accupancy if we have a group 20, furthermore if we have anymore than 20 we only have to pay for those people instead of paying for all 28 beds. The accommodation is £12.50 PPPN. Bedding is provided. You will have the Roybridge Hotel slap bang on your doorstep for drinks and food, and if that's not enough The Nevis Ranges, and The Grey Corries are both within easy reach. I have phoned the hotel, and the bunkhouse is available for 17th & 18th of Feb. If anyone is interested can you please reply to let me know and I will go ahead and make a booking. Look forward to hearing from you.





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Count me it matey.  Regards Derek 



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