The forecast (for what it's worth ) for Wednesday is wet all day but Thursday and Friday look good .Is it better to stick to the existing arrangement ie  Stockport if it is wet?.Or think of rescheduling Deeply Vale  to either Thurs or friday.?

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Im up for the idea of rescheduling deeply vale to Thursday or Friday. I rather climb outside for free. Or mob could hold both events, Stockport climb on Wednesday and Deeply Vale on friday?...

It will be dry at Ousel's!

yep and we're all climbing E4s consistently ,Tim ! 

Hello Brian

A little comparison for you. 

DV, Vdiffs-3, S/VS-11, HVS-1, E1/2-5, E3/4-2, E5+-0.

ON, Vdiffs-4, S/VS-8, HVS-8, E1/2-8, E3/4-7, E5+-4.

Think this sums it up nicely for you!

Wash my mouth out !nothing like the facts ,just the facts ma'am.Thanks ,Tim

If Deeply is called off tomorrow due to the weather, I will head over to Stockport wall as this is the night I've sorted everything to be free.  I will try to grab an hour at Deeply since it's just around the corner if people decide to head over on Thursday or Friday.  

If rain calls off DV,may I have a lift to Stockport.Whenever the first dry afternoon or evening occurs Th,F or Sat ,I will go to deeply

West is best tomorrow, we might get lucky, I am still hopeful for getting outside ))

Im giving Andrew a lift in my van from bury to deeply vale. I reckon weather will be ok cos I say so it will be dry. :) jimmy if you read this and are coming to climb I have a rucksack for you from Mike.

i've heard of threesomes but this is ridiculous.hope you're right Lisa but if by mid/late afternoon it's looking determined to persist ,definitely manchester for me (and Jill) i'llbe looking for the first dry dry afternoon thereafter .so far i've only seen a good day on friday.

The Boss has been on the phone and the call has been made - Stockport Wall it is.  I'll be leaving Holcombe Brook at 5 ish and may be picking up Ivan in Whitefield if any one else needs a lift.

Any hardcore out there, still fancy going outside? Dry all evening. Message me 07769041345




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