Was anything decided about rebooking the last Scottish trip at the last meeting? (My misses is on nights for three weeks so I am house bound looking after the sproglets.)

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Hi Stuart

At the last meeting it was decided to put that meet back to next January, as I was thought that there was enough on at the moment. I know you were disapointed at not going, most of us thought it was the right decition, and some times it better to say no. I'ts the first time a meet as been cancelled due to bad weather in 30 years that I can remember. I've been putting off going to Scotland myself for the last 3 weeks, shame them poor buggers didn't that died in Glencoe.

Glad you got sorted with your boots, looks like you'll get plenty of chances to use them.


See you at the meet, if you get manage to get out.


Having experienced 70-80mph winds with Ian I now know why you cancelled it. You did the right thing.
kate has another week of night shifts so I'll not be at the next meet.




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