£15 subs now due. If you don't pay you won't be on the membership list we send to the BMC so won't have BMC insurance cover. 29 people paid already, as at 25/1/10. Deadline mid February. I'll be sending the list plus subs to the BMC after that.


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Since we have 90 members on the website, but only 29 paid-up members, I would suggest that the site is having a negative effect on the Club's finance's as well as on the insurance status of club meets. I therefore propose that full access rights to the site should be restricted to paid up members only, plus a new category of Honorary members. These would be long standing members who are no longer active and who have no need of BMC insurance, but who want to keep in touch with the club. Initial suggestions for Honorary members would be,
Reg & Val
Members who have moved overseas
Other members who would be suggested and approved at The AGM

What does anyone else think? Is The MOB in danger of becoming an internet club?
I think those attending the hut meets and regularly joining in on club days should be paying their subs. I don't feel we should limit access to the website as it generates interest and informs of the clubs activities. However once you become active you should be paying subs.
Yep I agree with Rick .The site is both informative and interesting as well as entertaining .I think the site has probably resulted in a fairly sustantial increase in the number of people taking part in club activities over the last year.
Subs are a nightmare to collect no matter what the organisation.Just hope this blog triggers a sudden deluge of payments
Hi Ian, just checking you have my name as I paid at Slide show but you had no cards. I have had a reminder text from Derek. Just checking. Gary
Hi Gary. Yes you've paid. Please remind me to give you a card next time I see you. Cheers, Ian



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