Hi all, 

I thought I would post on the forum about the MOB future discussion that is occuring this Wednesday 8th January. Everyone is invited to this to discussion, though I thought it may also be worthwhile putting a note on the forum to say that if you are unable to attend for whatever reason, you are also more than welcome to post some discussion points on the web and we can discuss these points on your behalf.



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Wanted to come on wednesday but can't do Wednesdays due to my childcare situation. I think it would be  a good idea if we could all email each other through the MOB website without having to send a friend request and wait for someone to accept... For instance I want to email Dave the Smeg about some gear he is selling but I can't... we aren't 'friends' yet... Since we are all members of the same club can we not be trusted to email each other without the formal friending process? What do people think?

and is it possible to divert inter-member club emails to our own email addresses since people don't log on to the MOB website anywhere near as often as they check their normal email? This may well already be in place but not sure how to activate such a function...

expect more posts... am an opinionated f*#*er

Thanks for this input Matt. It was decided at the discussion on Wednesday that we would most likely be altering the website platform anyway going forward so I am hoping that the new website will address the concerns you have raised.





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