A few of us are thinking of having a go at Pot holing/caving in the near future so if your interested Give us your thoughts and we'll sort something out. If you have access to gear,experience of local "beginners" area please let us know. Oh, if you've never tried it before and your afraid of small damp spaces with little or no light this will be perfect for you!





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Count me in too. I did a bit of pot holing when I was sixteen, and loved it. We were taken down a pot in the Derbyshire Peak District can't remember the name of the pot, but it was pretty easy going. I just hope I can fit this spare tyre through those tight spaces. If there are any spaces available I'm sure my son (Chris) would love to come too. Just one more thing. Thanks for arranging this Tony, you're a top man matey.

This sounds brilliant. Allegedly there is a relatively easy route underneath Inglebrough in the Yorkshire Dales - I've got a book that describes it.
In light of my concern surrounding small spaces may be this is one to count me out of. Thanks for organising it though.

 Did Swilden's down to the first sump 15 years ago. About time I had another go.


Hi Tony I did say first time that Chris (my son) might be interested in the caving trip. I asked him today, and he's not interested. He told me he's seen The Decent too many times.
Pete.  Like your thinking.  We should suggest watching this film before we go!  Anyways, I spoke to Dom last night and he is a bit busy at the moment but has promised some dates shortly.

used to do  abit of caving ......easy one near ingleborough ??? long churn ....nice and easy 


count me in for that please



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