Fore Sale - Heavy Water Rockfax - Ice Climbing in Rjukan Norway

I have a copy of this book for sale, which I bought for our trip to Rjukan a few years back. Its in pristine condition, clear protective cover and wonderful colour photos and highlighted routes in the Rjukan area.

If anyone is interested in this the asking price is £12.00 - we will be coming over to the Photo Comp on the 21st December so can bring it along then.

Sue also has a pair of Footfang crampons for sale too - £15.00


Malcolm (& Sue)

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Comment by Malcolm Anderson on November 24, 2011 at 10:19

I sold my axes last year, so the guide book isn't much use without them. I am not selling anything else, even though we spend most of our spare time on the yacht now. (not as grand as it sounds, we have a share in a 32 footer on Windermere)

Comment by MarkR on November 22, 2011 at 21:57


how are you what else you selling are you giving up to old age 

Comment by Malcolm Anderson on November 15, 2011 at 18:48
Hi Geoff the book is yours. See you at the photo comp.


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