Are members aware that the gun club have a planning application in for works in Wilton 3?  Part of the application is for a classroom area close to Orange Wall, which will limit access to these climbs.  The closing date for objections is 27th November.  See UKC for more info and Council Planning website - link.

BMC have raised an objection and are asking others to do the same.

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The planning reference number is


Objections can be e-mailed to

I think you have to give your name and address.

The basic objection is about the siting of the shipping container to act as a 'New Classroom/W.C.'  Without a gap of at least five metres from the rock face (Orange Wall), climbing on that face will be severely restricted and unsafe.  A falling climber could hit the structure and belayers have little room for manoeuvre in the case of falling objects or climbers.  The quarry, whilst owned by the Gun Club has access provision for climbers through a Deed of Covenant written into the Land Registry's title documents for each of the quarries. and the area is covered by CRoW legislation.



I have drafted the following objection to the proposed works at Wilton 3.  Please feel free to copy and send, with your own details.  BMC are asking that as many people object as is possible.

send to:


Re:  Planning application Wilton 3 Quarry, Scout Road, Bolton,  ref: 90850/13

I am a local rock climber and wish to make an objection against one part of the proposed works to the firing range in Wilton 3 Quarry, Scout Road, Bolton.  The siting of the 'New Classroom/W.C. is such that it will interfere with and make unsafe, climbing on the adjacent rock face.  This is a popular beginners area with a number of classic and early climbs.

Without a gap of at least 5 metres between the proposed structure and the rock face, there will be the risk of falling climbers making contact with the container.  The siting will also interfere with the belayer's ability to manoeuvre and maintain their own safety while their partner is climbing.  I have no objections to the Gun Club improving their facilities - only to the siting of this particular structure.  I am sure, given the overall size of the quarry, it would be possible to site all the proposed structures, while maintaining a distance that allows climbers access to all the routes in the quarry, safely and without restriction.

I am aware that, although this particular Quarry is owned by the Gun Club, there are deeds of covenant written in to the Land Registry's Title documents for each of the quarries giving a right of access to climbers.  The proposed structure will limit this access.  The Quarries, I also believe, are covered by CRoW legislation.

Please add your name and address

That's not good, I can remember some interesting climbing on Orange Wall,

although not been there for years.

Have sent my objection!


objections are URGENTLY needed... I believe planning closes this Friday 29.11.13
quote the planning reference above and email to that address.
Looks like the gun club have withdrawn there application !!?

Spoke to a couple of shooters up at wilton 2 weeks ago who said this was now not going ahead, or rather they were thinking of an alternative place to put it.



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