Happy New Year to everyone.

 My apologies for not writing up the last minutes, especially to those that sent in a report.


Well the end of another year, and I think you will agree a productive one.  As you know the Mob Web site has changed and is defiantly better, and is regularly being used. At present we have 89 members and we have had about 1800 hits when I last looked. Thanks must go to Malcolm and Sue for all there hard work in setting up the site and keeping it ticking over.  That said it will only be a good site if we continue using it.


This has defiantly helped to bring in some well needed young blood to the club; good solid new members are what we need to keep the club alive. No doubt we will all help to encourage and give them support where possible.


The club membership is now due and at ₤15 give good value for money, if you bear in mind most of it goes towards your BMC affiliation (It's important we support the BMC after all they are our voice)

This also includes third party insurance which I think you would all agree that is something we should all have if we are active in the mountains.

It also funds the continual booking of huts throughout the year so we need a healthy bank balance to pay for that.


This, as you know, has been the most severe winter for years, with some fantastic winter climbing conditions and its still only early January.  On the down side 2 of the winter walks had to be cancelled due to poor road conditions.


Mark Ainsworth applied for the post of Helvellen fell top conditions reporter, this involves walking up Helvellen every day alternate weeks.  “You’ve got to be keen”

Unfortunately Mark was piped to the post by a local guide.

Let hope that Marks other venture (Guided walks in Spain) takes off this year.


As for what’s been going on I was bombarded with stories at the last meeting so just to give a brief out line of some of them.  There have been a couple new of articles put on the Mob Web site but it would be nice it a few more could write a piece. It is always inspiring to hear what members have been up to.


The Family winter walk from the Walkers around the Jumbles was well attended.  The ice under foot certainly made it seem a much harder walk. Thanks to Tracy for putting on some food for the hungry hikers, and Gary for Organising the walk


Phil and Mary Cooper and Family had a beautiful Alpine day over the Blencathra range commenting that they had not seen the lakes in that condition before.


Will Hardman and Family have been to the Lakes for a few days with Will managing to slip out for a couple of days climbing.


Ian Brewster had been walking around the Gapping Gill area in the Dales, due to the heavy snow he got his foot trapped down in between a limestone paving only managing to free it by taking his boot off.  So beware of the Limestone clams.

He had also had a good days walking in the Lakes.


Pete Whetham had been out over Bleaklow, not to say he got lost but let’s say he didn’t know exactly where he was until he came down out of the mist.  Good job he knows the area pretty well, but it just goes to show how easy it is to go a stray.


New members Will Shaw and Mark Russell have been walking over Coniston Old Man.


No more winter walks planned a present but I sure someone will put one forward.


Future events

 Jan 22/24th

Grey Corries, Scotland.  If there are any late comers you will have to phone up to see if there are any spare places.  20+ going up to press.


March 14th

Mountain Biking at Longstone Edge in the Peak District.Small but fun ride voted one of top 5 rides in Britain by MBR 12 miles intermediate skill level (All welcome) More details to follow.  Organiser Jonti Marsden.


June 18th

High House hut meet Borrowdale, Lake District.

Better known to older members as the K Shoes hut, this has been a popular and succesful venue for club meets in the past. Ideally located just past Seathwaite Farm, with lots of options for walking, climbing and scrambling. 25 places available. Taking deposits in the New Year. Organised by Jeff Horton


Also we are trying to sort out a winter meet for the Lairds bothy in Kinggussy, which has yet to be confirmed.


Next meeting is on the 20th Jan.

Rick Riding should be showing some photos of ONE of his trip to the Alps last year.



 Kind regards


 Happy New Year to everyone.


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