MOB Meeting 23rd November 2011-11-29




Ian         Mountain biking, and kayaking

Geoff & Julie      Kayaking and mountain biking on Helvellyn

Dave D        Indoor climbing and mountain biking

Mike C        Kayaking, and climbing on Dow Crag

Jeff Walking,       Peaks, Lakes, and the Dales

Derek             Climbing Llewyd Snowdonia, Also attended clean up day at Wilton.

Jordan         Clean up day at Wilton, and Kayaking

Barry         Holiday in Malta, Clean up day at Wilton

Will          Clean up day at Wilton, and Kayaking

Tony        Clean up at Wilton, and Kayaking

Ian B       Walking in The Dales, and Wales

Andy A         Climbing indoors



Photo Comp
As reported this year’s photo competition will take place on the 21stDecember. If you wish to enter you can start sending your photos in to Rick now. Please send no more than five photos.


We will be taking subs for 2012 membership at the photo comp this year, so if you wish to pay please bring your money along on the night. Furthermore I have been told that clubs bank details will be posted on the member’s area of the club website. Meaning that if you find it hard to get to meetings, you can always pay remotely, please contact Mike for more details.


Indoor Climbing
The indoor climbing sessions held on the alternative Wednesday nights will be starting again soon. So if you’re interested keep an eye on the website.


MOB Christmas Do
The lads and lasses of the MOB will be going out for a meal on Friday 20th January 2012. The venue will be The Red Hot World Buffet in Manchester. Not sure if we need to book, but we’ll be getting an idea of numbers at the next meeting.


Upcoming Talks and Lectures
Rick will be holding a talk on first aid on 7th December.
Derek will be give a talk on climbing around The UK on 4th January
Ian B will be giving a talk on his recent trip to The Tatra Mountains in Poland on 1st February



Wednesday Climbing at M/Cr Wall 5.00 till 9.00

Winter Walk, 9.00am start from Settle. Arranged by Graham Stevens

Lads Christmas Weekend December 10th & 11th. Arranged by Keith Eastwood.

Wednesday 14th December Climbing at Stockport Wall 5.00 to 9.00

MOB Bouldering Competition, at Rock Over 17th December arranged by Mark Rothwell.

Christmas Photo Competition to be held on 21st December.

Caving Trip Yorkshire Dales. 14th Jan arranged by Pete Whetham

MOB Xmas party Saturday 20th January

Winter Meet Roy Bridge Hotel 17th to 19th February. Arranged by Pete Whetham


Next Meeting to be held on 7th December at the Waterloo.

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