MOB Minutes 4th March 2009
For Information
1. Ian Brewster has renewed the YHA membership for the club
2. Mob 30th at YHA Borrowdale is fast booking up. A number of our
international members have booked including Pete from Portugal and
Mike McCarthy from I can’t remember where but it’s hotter than here.
4. 30 members have been signed up to BMC
5. MOB AGM will take place on 13th May 2009 Karen to step down as
secretary and Richard to step down as chair. Need to make sure
replacements are still available.
Mike Chambers has been checking out a new cycle trail at Windlatter
Dave Dixon had been to Stockport climbing wall
Barry Sunday walking around Rivington
Rick and Derek Thursday to Saturday of half term went
mountaineering/rock climbing in Wales at Idwal Slabs up to severe and
then not so little Tryfan where they managed Grooved arête and
Milestone Buttress to V.Diffs in big boots. Weekend after Rick did
Snowdon Horseshoe.
Derek and Barney went up Chockstone Gully in Dollywaggon area
Ian Brewster wlaked from Threlkeld to Blencathra and over Skiddaw to
Keswick. Has also been walking around Simon’s Seat near Bolton abbey
Alan was skiing in half term
Malcolm led a walk in Deepdale with 9 MOB members
Future plans
1. Grey Corries trip has been rebooked for 22nd-24th January 2010
2. MOB 30th has been booked at Borrrowdale Youth Hostel 25th/26th
September 2009 is taking bookings and you can pay by instalments to
Dave O– deposit of £10 per person secures a place
3. Crianlarich hut meet 6th/7th March 2009
4. Stuart is going to Mallorca from 6th-16th April it is only 200 of
our diminishing English pounds and that includes flights. He will
give you all the info you need if you want to go too – for any of that
5. Lagangarbh has been booked for the second weekend in June – but
it is now full.

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