winter season is here already but conditions aren't the best.
last year, a BMC avalanche expert was killed by one !
it can happen to anyone. when you've taken time off, travelled all that way, made big plans and spent hard earned on shiny gear, it's a really tough call to turn down that route of a lifetime because someone, sitting in an office somewhere has given an over-cautious avalanche report.
we're all adults and have free choice. it's upto you and anyway, there's always mountain rescue or the helecopter to come and find us when we run out of food, water, gear or bottle !
Scotland, I must admit, is a whole different ball game. to any new or inexperienced members, educate yourself. talk to others who know more than you. ( not always better though )
you must still make your own informed choices. aim to make it back alive !
a good short film to watch is 'one wild winter' on i-player.
another resource is the BMC winter DVD and lectures.
don't be just another victim.
sorry to sound so serious but it really IS.

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