MOB minutes May meeting Annual AGM

The AGM was well attended with approx 15 members.

Our current chair Cath Skinner did a quick resume of the years' events and thanked the members for their efforts and participation. Particular thanks goes to those who put events on the web site and managed them for all. We have had some great times out and about over the year together.

Thanks to Cath for her chairwoman ship over the year , she has done a great job.

A new chair and deputy were voted in with the secretary, treasurer and equipment holder staying the same. The new committee is as follows:

Chairman Mick Slater
Deputy Chair. Mick McGrath
Secretary. John brandon
Treasurer. Matt Fowthrop
Equipment Tony Hewitson

The treasurer's report stated that the club's finances were in good order. If anyone has any ideas events etc that need funding pls let the committee know as there is cash available for the right things.

If anyone wishes to put an event on the web site and wants to send to all you will need to be an administrator , just let us know and this can be sorted.
We reiterated that the organiser of the event will manage the booking and who has paid etc and liaise with the treasurer. Paid up members first and the opened up to others if places left.
Future events will be on the website, next one is Sunday 7th - walk at Kentmere.
Ian Brewster will look into booking next year's winter meet , probably around end of Feb 2018
Phil Seddon kindly donated a number of mountaineering books to the club including climbing route guides. A list will be put on the website and if you want to borrow one let us know and we can bring it to the next meeting. Make sure it comes back so that others can benefit from them. If anyone has any books gathering dust and would like to add to the library , pls feel free.
Thanks jb

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