Minutes of MOB Monthly Meeting, Weds 4th March 2020

Past Activities

  • Tues 11th Feb - Bikepacking talk by Adam Richardson, at Bradshaw Conservative Club. ~10 from MOB attended.
  • Sun 16th Feb Winter Walk - cancelled due to stormy weather
  •  Sat 22nd Feb - Bike ride to Turton Tower and back(24m), Derek, Gary Brooks & the two Mikes. Windy weather.
  •  Last week - Barry was skiing in the Troodos Mountains, Cyprus
  • Fri 28th Feb to Sun 1st March, Winter Hut Meet - Aite Cruinnichidh Hostel, nr Roy Bridge. 16 of us for Fri & Sat nights, 5 of us stayed Sun night as well. On Sat most of our group headed for Creag Meagaidh; 2 traversed it from the SW, needing careful navigation on the summit plateau; the rest approached from Aberarder car park, reaching The Window and part way up the ridge above it before retreating. Loads of snow on the high ground. The two Mikes went biking both days, their Sunday route starting at Neptune’s Staircase and taking in part of the Great Glen Way. On Sunday Colin tried to get to Loch Ossian YH on his bike but was unable to make it due to snow. Ian, JohnB & JonW headed for Stob Coire Easain on Sunday but turned back before reaching the base of the mountain, due to bad weather & fatigue from Saturday’s exertions.

Upcoming Events

  •  Early March - Mark D, Ian Bod & Derek Dosser heading to Morocco for some bike touring
  • Sat 21st March - Winter hillwalk, N Wales, Jon Waring
  • Weds 8th April - Evening bike ride, Derek
  • Weekend of 17th + 18th April, Weekend at Longsleddale outdoor pursuits centre. Organised by Derek
  • Fri 24th April - talk by Paul Pritchard, Bolton Rugby Club, 7:00pm, re climbing Totem Pole sea stack, Tasmania
  • Weekend of Fri 8th May - ‘Uncle Reg’s’ campsite, Anglesey. Derek

Other business

  •  Proposal for club members to take tuition on mountain skills -  Derek to revert next meeting with date for outing to practice/learn navigation. At later date, prospective session with Stuart Igoe, mountain leader

Next meeting, Weds 1st April 2020, at Wyldes Bar, Bury town centre, from 8:00pm

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