Hi All,

I have just interviewed for an article about being a member of a mountaineering club and I would like some photos to use with the article. Does anyone have any photos of me from being out with the MOB that can be published with the article?

I also have a blog which is mainly an insight into my starting to lead and places I have been. It may be useful to anyone starting leading and wondering which routes to do... because being a bit of a nervey type if I can lead them I am pretty sure they are an easy tick. It also talks about feeling the fear when it comes to leading. My blog address is: http://vickyheyes.wordpress.com/ . Don't worry reading isn't compulsary and any feedback given will be gratefully received as it will help me improve my writing techniques.



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Loads of your bum )))

That's the worse thing about climbing photos, when you look at them later there are lots of shots of you bum and you suddenly realise how big it is. LOL. :D



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