Stuart R



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Outdoor interests
Scrambler, winter walker, photography and Scuba

Comment Wall:

  • Malcolm Anderson

    The quickest way to tell everyone about this is to go into the event, click on "invite more people" scroll down and click "invite all members" you don't need any further message. The invite will go to everyone's listed email address. Only the creator of any particular event can do this otherwise I would have done it for for you. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it.
  • Sue

    Hi Stuart
    I have a work colleague who is looking to go diving in Thailand - can you suggest any good places?
  • Sue

    Thanks Stuart for the Diving tips I'll forward them on to my friend.

    Glad you like my homepage - that kitten is really cool. Actuall yours is brilliant how did you set up that background?
  • Jeff Horton

    Hi Stuart,
    Karen said last night you were keen to get out on Sunday. I was thinking of going to the Lakes. Are you interested in joining up?
  • Jeff Horton

    I was thinking of Coniston. My phone number is 01204 572687. I'll be in for the rest of the day.
  • Derek Kenyon

    Hi Stuart

    Nice to see you enjoying the club, and getting out. I can see you like browsing the web site. Are you going to the Bog Trotters?

    C.u Soon Derek
  • Mike Chambers

    Give me a call re harness. Mike 01706 826077
  • Mike Chambers

    Please give me a call to fix lift on Friday 01706 826077 Mike
  • Mike Chambers

    See you tomorrow night