Trying to locate my DVD's - Climbing Masterclass Neil Gresham

Afternoon all,


A few months back i brought the above dvd's to a club meet and for people to borrow if they wanted. We started watching one on a club night and i left before the end.


Does anyone have these dvd's? Part 1 and Part 2.


Its these if you are unsure:


Please let me know because i'd like them back.


Many thanks

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I did have part one and am trying to rack my brains to remember who if anyone I gave it to. I'll have a search to make sure I don't still have it.

Evening all.

Another quick reminder if anyone has seen these?
Hi Mike

Definatley not me, but I will ask around.

Hope your BOTH well, not met the lovely lady as yet>



I have your DVD. I also have a copy of my own , thats why I wasn't sure untill I found both of them. I'll bring it to the next meeting, or if you at Manchester Wall this wed. I'll bring it then.

While I was looking I also found a copy of Airlie andersons One Winter ( in the bottom of the projector case), someone must be missing that as well!!


Cheers for that Rick.

You don't know if Part 2 is there too do you? Its both of them i'm missing!
Mike, Its part 2 I've got. Don't know anything about part 1 .

Bugger.....I'm not sure where it got to.....It was being played on the projector as i left the club meet one night. Never saw it after that!
Mike, have tracked them both down. part 1 and 2. Will bring them to next meeting or to climbing wall, let me know when you'll be there next.





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